Response to Linda Leon’s blog post

In response to Linda Leon’s most recent blog post, Preferential Ridings Proportional is an electoral system that could work well in the Yukon:

As you may know, November 2017, your MLA and all other Yukon MLAs unanimously passed motion 19, “to form a non-partisan commission to study electoral reform in Yukon”.

After Linda Leon’s blog, if you want Yukon’s system to improve and be more inclusive, we don’t need any more long, logical arguments.  What we need is a large number of one liners from many concerned voters, to their MLAs.  It would also help to tell a friend.  Some suggestions for one-liners are: 1. It’s the right thing to do., 2. It makes sense., 3. It’s logical., or 4. even better, one of your own.  You don’t even need a stamp to send it.  Just send it to your MLA” at Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6.
“If you would rather telephone, call you MLA” at 667-5811, 667-5812 or 1-800-661-0408
To email your MLA:

Fair Vote Yukon

If you want our system to improve, does your MLA know that you do?


If you voted in Yukon’s 2011 Election, who did you elect?

Majority Government:         27%

Opposition:                            19%

Nobody:                                 54%     It doesn’t have to be this way!
With a more inclusive electoral system, almost all votes could elect an MLA.

If you voted in Canada’s 2011 Election, who did you elect?

Majority Government:         30%

Opposition:                            21%

Nobody:                                 49%     It doesn’t have to be this way!
With a more inclusive electoral system, almost all votes could elect an MP.

Be Heard Electoral Change Pie Chart