Yukoners’ Opportunity to lead in more truly representative democracy

Ballot for the inclusive Preferential Ridings Proportional PRP System April 10 2018



Motion No. 19 – Re urging the Government of Yukon to appoint a non-partisan commission on electoral reform – passed unanimously by all 19 MLAs from all political parties.

Proposed system changes: Paired-ridings, Electoral Areas, and Preferential voting with newly proposed boundaries.

If you haven’t yet taken a close look, you may not know that Canada’s First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) electoral system only represents half the votes cast. In all ridings, if you didn’t vote for the winning candidate, your vote had no effect on the election results. All parties and candidates are affected without cause. It doesn’t have to be that way. All votes could count with no illusory (false) majorities.

Think about it. As I think you would agree, effective communities encourage all citizens to both be included and feel included. Change to a more representative electoral system could help to increase that inclusive feeling of belonging in community.

Dave Brekke, very concerned former Federal Returning Officer for Yukon; and former school principal in the isolated community of Old Crow, 1966-68, when a Centennial Project became a BARN-RAISING event. HOW? – through change to one far more collaborative community, by INCLUSION IN GOVERNANCE, from three sub-communities (with only one governing).