Month: September 2017

Comparison of electoral system results, 2016 Yukon election

If Canadians like Inclusion and Collaboration, why not improve the electoral system, the first step in democracy?

Effective Voters are voters who can point to someone their vote helped to elect.

Under this Alternate System, candidates have two ways to win a seat. Candidates can win riding seats through preferential voting. If not, with so far unrepresented proportional votes in their electoral area, the most popular party candidates can win proportional seats.

When voting is inclusive, false (illusory) majority governments don’t happen. In their place, are inclusive minority governments that require collaboration.

Canadians can have Inclusion and Collaboration by improving their electoral system.

The proposed (alternate) system used in this comparison of electoral system results is the Preferential Ridings Proportional (PRP) system.

Candidates representing a political party have two ways to win a seat:

  1. A preferential riding seat with their own votes.
  2. A proportional seat with party votes

To facilitate connection between voters and their elected representative, proportional seats are determined in ELECTORAL AREAS with between 4 and 10 representatives. In each electoral area, half the seats represent ridings and half the seats represent the entire electoral area, being proportional seats.

Under PRP, the Yukon would be composed of 3 “Electoral Areas”:

  • South East 2 riding seats and 2 proportional seats
  • Whitehorse 5 riding seats and 5 proportional seats
  • North West 2 ridingseats, 2 proportional seats and the 1 Vuntut Gwitchin limited riding seat (Not elligible to win a proportional seat)

Please download the summary and electoral area results for the 2016 Yukon election. The graphs are followed by the details of how the PRP system would have worked in each electoral area.